STEAMLabs Hackney: Projects

 Summer STEAMLabs 2021

Graffiti Board


We were very excited to be awarded a small grant from Hackney Council’s Community Fund. It meant that we could run a subsidised, four day Summer STEAMLabs Holiday Club, during the school summer holidays, which could be accessed by any child in the community. We hoped to attract some of the children who might otherwise miss out on our fun science clubs and, thankfully, we were very successful.

 We were able to run sessions on coding robots to negotiate mazes and jump over barriers, making many coloured shadows by dancing in front of red, blue and green lights, converting colours into sounds and music using finger rings, building paper towers, making images that glow under UV lights and the ever popular egg drop challenge; could the children make a basket to keep an egg from breaking when dropped from a great height.

UV Art

Coding robots around mazes

 We made contact with a local graffiti artist, Danny, who came along and worked with a small subset of older children. The children’s aim was to create a couple of graffiti boards with designs which highlighted STEAM as a word and as a concept. The children had great fun discussing and designing the boards and then going on to use the spray-cans to create the images.

 For more information, see our Newsletter