STEAMLabs Hackney: Projects

 Stoke Newington Youth Hub

Composing colourful sounds


We made contact with the Stoke Newington Youth Hub to see if they though their children would benefit from our exciting science sessions. They were enthusiastic and we were grateful to the Allen & Overy Ben Ogden Memorial Fund (as part of their East End Community Foundation) for giving us a grant to cover the costs of running the club.

 We ran eight sessions, lasting up to 90 minutes, with some of the children who attended the Hub. We were able to get the children to use an app to convert colours into different sounds using finger rings, code spherical robots to perform tricks, to talk, to play light shows and to jump. They built paper towers and structures to celebrate “This is Engineering” week and attended an evening careers event organised like a speed dating session. Eight STEM ambassadors came along to the Hub, with props, to talk about their career journeys and to explain what their jobs entailed.

Graffiti Wall

Career speed dating!

 Once again, we made contact with Danny, a local graffiti artist who we’d worked with before. The Hub had a section of blank brickwork that we thought could be transformed into a STEAM-based graffiti wall. With the blessings of the Hub staff, the children sat with Danny to design some elements of STEAM that could be pieced together to form a vibrant piece of street art. The final artwork was nothing short of amazing. Fabulous teamwork!