Phil Tapper

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I studied Physics and Astrophysics at Queen Elizabeth College, London. After graduation, I took a couple of years out to make cane furniture with a school friend. I ran the retail shop while he made the bulk of the furniture. I then went back to science and on to study for an MSc in Radiation Physics at the Medical School of St Bartholomew’s Hospital. Since then I have been working in various hospitals in London as a Clinical Scientist in Radiation Protection and Radiotherapy. For 9 years, I was Chief Physicist at The Harley Street Cancer Centre but then left to set up my own company, pdtDSL, providing medical physics support for specialised cancer treatments. I have been running the company since 2008.

In my professional career, I have always enjoyed teaching, both “on the job” training and in structured teaching courses. When time allowed, I was able to help Elevate deliver some after-school club sessions and enjoyed seeing the excitement in the children’s faces as they suddenly understood what the session was all about. I look forward to taking a larger, more active role in STEAMLabs Hackney in the future.